Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Why you Need Credit Repair

A credit repair is essential in removing damaging information from your credit report and increasing the quality of your life. A bad credit score negatively impacts every aspect of your life and limits your options.

It can prevent you from getting a better paying job or jobs in certain fields. You pay higher interest rates for mortgages and car loans, in many cases twice the rate of a person with good credit. Also, many landlords won’t rent to someone with bad credit or you may have trouble setting up a utility account in your name.

A Credit Repair is a Necessity
According to the FTC, many people have inaccurate, incomplete and unverified information in their credit report and it is hurting them. When you consider the thousands of dollars wasted on higher interest rates and premiums it is obvious that a credit repair is a necessity to release yourself from the strangle hold of bad credit.

Your Rights
You are entitled to a credit report that is free from inaccuracies, incomplete and unverified information. Consumer credit reporting agencies must investigate disputed information in a credit report and make any necessary corrections under the Federal Credit Reporting Act.

However, they are allowed to keep reporting information that has been verified. The credit reporting agencies verify information by checking to see if the information provided to them matches the information on the credit report. They never investigate if the underlying claim is valid.

Credit Sweep and MCR
The process for disputing information in credit reports is automated. Using dispute forms are ineffective and make it easier for the credit reporting agencies to perform a cursory investigation. It almost guarantees that an actual person will never review your information and the disputed items will not be removed from your file.

That is why we use manual credit repair in our credit sweep. We hand write all dispute letters in a style that is difficult for ORC scanner to read. The letters are not able to be scanned and have to be reviewed by a person. This increases the chances of a thorough investigation and negative information being removed from your credit report.

Credit Repair for Financial Security
A credit repair helps to raise your credit score and giving you more options when it comes to your money. It can save you thousands of dollars allowing you to pay off your debt, save for the home of your dreams or build your retirement account. Secure a better future for you and your family with a credit repair.

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